Wedding trailer Gianna and Timothy

Timothy And Gianna WEDDING TRAILER IN CASALE DE’ PASQUINELLI Casale de’ Pasquinelli / Lucca LOCATION Casale De’ Pasquinelli ARTISTIC STAFF Videographer : Lumen Wedding Films Photograpy : Linda Nari Decor & Floral : Wedding & Co  Catering : Wedding & Co Music and Light : Media Dressing Mua : Jen Ho Artistry  Fireworks: Magia di Luci […]

Wedding trailer Jillien and Devan valgiano

Jillien And Devan WEDDING TRAILER IN VILLA DI VALGIANO Villa Di Valgiano | Lucca | Tuscany | Italy VENUE Villa di Valgiano ARTISTIC STAFF Videographer: Lumen Wedding Films Wedding planner: Bianco Rosa Wedding Photographer: Steve Limones Lights: Mixar Bar: The Open Bar Florence Flowers: Clorifiori MUA: Sada.Makeupartist Music: Fabio Mdj LINK Instagram PORTFOLIO

Wedding in Casale de’ Pasquinelli Lucca Tuscany

Jordan and Travis WEDDING TRAILER IN CASALE DE’ PASQUINELLI Casale de Pasquinelli / Lucca Jordan and Travis celebrated their wedding at the charming Casale de’ Pasquinelli, nestled in the picturesque Tuscan hills, in the province of Lucca. This idyllic countryside farmhouse provided the perfect setting for a wedding characterized by Italian style and country romance.  […]

Wedding trailer Ryan and Hannah

Ryan and Hannah WEDDING TRAILER IN VILLA MICHAELA Villa Michaela /Lucca LOCATION Villa Michaela ARTISTIC STAFF Videographer: Lumen Wedding Films   LINK Facebook Instagram PORTFOLIO